Genetec Clearance System gets Upgrades – Security Sales & Integration

  • November 5, 2023
  • November 5, 2023
  • 4 min read

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The Genetec Clearance system eliminates the need to physically transfer video and data to allow law enforcement and government agencies to receive event information in a more timely manner.
Genetec has recently upgraded its Clearance platform, which was made possible through the integration of its Security Center Fleet Monitoring module.
MONTREAL— Genetec Inc., a technology provider of unified security, public safety, operations, and business intelligence solutions, has announced that its Genetec Clearance digital evidence management system now enables the remote retrieval of video recordings from physical security systems across transit agency sites and fleets to help speed up investigations.
The capability is enabled by the integration of Clearance with the Genetec Security Center Fleet Monitoring module. Using a browser-based system, agencies can now link all their on-board and landside data into a unified solution to manage evidence and streamline the sharing of recordings with internal departments and external partners.
“Transit security teams have the complex duty of managing highly distributed operations to ensure the safety of commuters and transit employees day in and day out,” says Erick Ceresato product group director, Genetec Inc.
“By automating the steps involved to fulfill video requests, and reducing the time it takes to deliver video evidence to reviewers, Genetec solutions free up security teams to focus on mission-critical activities. Having a unified security environment across stations and vehicle fleets opens the door to this kind of efficiency and removes bottlenecks that have traditionally impeded access to this data.”
According to Genetec, transit security teams devote considerable time and resources to assist with requests from their legal and claims departments, law enforcement agencies, and parties that require access to video recordings captured by their camera systems. Currently, the company continues these requests are often delivered on physical media, adding to the cost and delay of the process.
Genetec Clearance is designed to eliminate the time-consuming, costly process of dispatching transit personnel to vehicles and stations, transferring video to external drives, and delivering it to requesting parties. All requests are centrally and securely tracked within Clearance and go through the agency’s approval process to ensure they are aligned with governance policies before video is shared.
The Canadian company explains that from a web browser, internal departments and external parties can now request recordings from station cameras and on-board systems, and review video from the same application. Exports from on-board systems include vehicle telematic data, which can be reviewed alongside video uploads. This data, such as vehicle speed, brake, and turn signal activation can be shared with attorneys and other authorized parties to help to assess a scene and provide further analysis of events.
The Genetec Clearance integration with the Fleet Monitoring module will be available globally in October 2023 and is being showcased at APTA Expo at the Genetec booth (#3510) during the show.
More news from Genetec: Genetec Earns U.S. Homeland Security SAFETY Act Certification Renewal
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