At most Danish Missions, you will need to make an appointment in order to apply for a passport. You are required to fill in an application form and submit it together with supporting documents and a passport fee. For information on how to book an appointment or how to contact the Embassy's consular department, please visit the Embassy's website under "Travel and Residence" - “Practical Information” or the top of the page under "About Us". Below please find general information on how to apply.
How to apply for or renew your biometric Danish passport?
Regardless of your age, you must submit the passport application form in person at any Danish Embassy, Danish Consulate General or a ‘Borgerservicecenter’ in Denmark.
Please be advised that when applying for a Danish passport, it is a condition that you are a Danish citizen and that you are registered as such in the CPR system. If you do not have a Danish CPR number, or if you have acquired another nationality, you must provide proof of your Danish nationality by submitting relevant documentation.
If you are registered with another nationality in the CPR system, you cannot apply for a Danish passport until the information of your nationality is rectified. You are thus required to contact the “Folkeregister” in the municipality where you last held residence or where the registration took place. You can check whether you are registered as a Danish citizen by contacting the “Folkeregister” here or if you have MitID/Nem-ID by logging on to
The Embassy or Consulate General will take a digital photograph and collect fingerprints as well as a digital signature. All of these will be used in your new biometric passport.
Adult passports are valid for 10 years.
Which documentation is required?
For information about specific documentation required in the country that you are applying from, please visit the Embassy's website under “Practical information”. You may also wish to contact the Embassy for further information.
Please note that the Danish Mission has the right to ask for further documentation if necessary. If so requested, please ensure that the Mission receives the additional documentation within 30 days of the date of application, as information contained in the application is automatically cancelled after this period. A new application would thus have to be submitted together with a new application fee.
Foreign documents may need to be legalised: Legalisation (Apostille)
What does it cost?
The list of fees for issuance of passports can be found here. The fee is payable upon application directly to the Danish Mission. The Mission can inform what the equivalent is in your currency.
I have lost my Danish passport – what do I do?
If your current passport has expired, has been lost or stolen, please see the relevant section below under “Emergency/provisional Passports”.
How long does it take to process your passport?
All passports are printed in Denmark. Thus, it takes approximately 3-5 weeks before you can pick up your new passport at the Embassy or at a nearby Danish consulate. For further information, please contact the Danish Mission.
How and where can I pick up my new passport?
When your new passport has arrived, the Mission or nearby Danish consulate will notify you directly. After the notification, please contact the Mission to schedule an appointment in order to collect the passport.
IMPORTANT: Please remember to bring the old passport for cancellation. If you have valid visas or residence permits in your old passport, kindly inform the Mission accordingly. Always check with the local authorities whether your visa and/or residence permit can be transferred to a new passport.
How to apply for your child’s first Danish passport or renew the biometric passport?
All children are required to have their own passport when travelling.
Children below the age of 12 can apply for a passport at a Danish Embassy or consulate.
Children above the age of 12 can only apply for a passport at a Danish Embassy, as fingerprints and a digital signature need to be captured.
If you are currently in Denmark, you may also apply at any ‘Borgerservicecenter’ in Denmark.
It is preferable for both custodial parents and the child (irrespective of age) to appear in person at the Mission when submitting the passport application in order to sign the consent form and for the Mission to check the ID of the parents.
When applying for babies and very young children, please bring a photo, which meets the Requirements for passport photos.
Passports for children aged 0 - 2 are valid for 2 years
Passports for children aged 2 - 18 are valid for 5 years
Please be advised that when applying for a Danish passport, you must provide proof of your child’s Danish nationality by submitting relevant documentation. Please note that a CPR number is not a requirement and it is still possible to apply for a passport without one.
If your child already holds a CPR number and is registered in the CPR system, he/she must be registered as a Danish citizen in the CPR system. If your child is registered with another nationality in the CPR system, you cannot apply for a Danish passport until information of the nationality is rectified. You are thus required to contact the “Folkeregister” in the municipality where you last held residence or where the registration took place. You can check whether your child is registered as a Danish citizen by contacting the “Folkeregister” here.
Which documentation is required?
For information about specific documentation required in the country that you are applying from, please visit the Embassy's website under “Practical information”. You may also wish to contact the Embassy for further information.
Please note that the Danish Mission has the right to ask for further documentation if necessary. If so requested, please ensure that the Mission receives the additional documentation within 30 days of the date of application, as information contained in the application is automatically cancelled after this period. A new application would thus have to be submitted together with a new application fee.
Foreign documents may need to be legalised: Legalisation (Apostille)
How do I give consent?
According to Danish law, both parents must give their consent every time they apply for a Danish passport for their child until he/she reaches the age of 18.
If one parent has acquired sole custody/parental responsibility, documentation to this effect must be presented together with the passport application and only one consent must be given.
If the other parent does not live in the country where you are applying from, consent may be given at any other Danish Mission or affiliated consulate that is more convenient for the absent parent.
If the other parent lives in Denmark, consent may be given at any Danish municipality that is more convenient for the absent parent.
Furthermore, digital consent can be given if the absent parent has Nem-ID. Visit and fill in the relevant consent. If you are giving consent for more than one child, the process must be completed for each child that is applying for a Danish passport.
What does it cost?
The list of fees for issuance of passports can be found here. The fee is payable upon application directly to the Danish Mission. The Mission can inform what the equivalent is in your currency.
My child has lost the Danish passport – what do I do?
If your current passport has expired, has been lost or stolen, please see the relevant section below under “Emergency/provisional Passports”.
How long does it take to process?
All passports are printed in Denmark. Thus, it takes approximately 3-5 weeks before you can pick up your child’s new passport at the Embassy or at a nearby Danish consulate. For further information, please contact the Danish Mission.
How and where can I pick up my child’s new passport?
When your child’s new passport has arrived, the Danish Mission or nearby consulate will notify you directly. After the notification, please contact the Mission to schedule an appointment in order to collect the passport.
Please remember to bring your child’s old passport for cancellation. If your child has valid visas or residence permits in the old passport, kindly inform the Mission accordingly. Always check with the local authorities whether your visa and/or residence permit can be transferred to a new passport.
Extension of Passport Validity
The validity period of a passport which has expired within the last 3 months or which is due to expire soon, may be extended while your application for a new passport is being processed. The validity of a passport may only be extended once and the new validity period is handwritten in your current passport.
Please check before coming to the Danish Mission whether the country you wish to travel to accepts an extension of the passport validity and how many months they require the travel document to be valid for from the day of entry. You can find a guide to this information on the homepage of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (in Danish only).
You must submit a passport application in person (regardless of age) at the Danish Mission or the affiliated consulates. Please find the application form here.
The fee for extending the validity of a passport is currently DKK 1,125 (2023 rates). The fee for an extension of passport issued outside the opening hours of the Mission/consulate is currently DKK 2,265 (2023 rates). The fee for an extension of passport issued on official closing days of the Mission/consulate is currently DKK 3,750 (2023 rates). The fee is payable upon application directly to the Danish Mission and can be paid in local currency. The Mission can inform what the equivalent is in your currency.
Emergency/provisional Passports
An Emergency Passport is a document, which can be issued by the Mission, when it is not possible to issue a new passport or extend the validity of the current passport before you travel. An emergency/provisional passport must be surrendered after use.
Please check before coming to the Danish Mission whether the country you are travelling to or from accepts emergency/provisional passports, as not all countries accept a provisional passport. It is up to you to find out the entry/exit requirements for the travel destination. You can find a guide to this information on the homepage of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (in Danish only).
You must submit a passport application in person (regardless of age) at the Danish Mission or the affiliated consulates. Please find the application form here. Together with the passport application form, you must also submit one passport photo and any identification documents. If you are applying for an emergency passport for your child, consent from both parents is always required for children under the age of 18. Please see further information under “Passports for Children – How do I give consent”.
The fee for an emergency passport is currently DKK 1,125 (2023 rates). The fee for an emergency passport issued outside the opening hours of the Danish Mission/consulate is currently DKK 2,265 (2023 rates). The fee for an emergency passport issued on official closing days of the Mission/consulate is currently DKK 3,750 (2023 rates). The fee is payable upon application directly to the Mission and can be paid in local currency. The Mission can inform what the equivalent is in your currency.
Lost Passport
The loss of your passport should immediately be reported to the local police as well as to the nearest Danish Mission. You may need the police report in order to obtain exit permit when you leave the country and/or you may need the police report in order to file a claim with your insurance company. When you apply for an emergency passport, you must submit a passport application form, one passport photo and any identification documents as well as complete a declaration at the Danish Mission or affiliated consulate stating the circumstances under which the passport was lost. Please ensure that the photo meets the requirements for passport photos.
Where can I apply for a Danish passport?
Click here to find contact information for Danish embassies and consulates in every country in the world.
How do I renew my Danish passport?
Please find information and the application form under “Passports for Adults”.
How do I apply for my child’s (first) passport?
Please find information and application form under “Passports for Children”.
Do I need to bring a photo?
If you are 12 years of age and above, a photo must be taken digitally at the Danish Embassy as part of the biometric passport.
If you are below 12 years of age and applying at a Danish consulate, you must bring your own passport photo that meets the Requirements for passport photos. If applying at an Embassy you are not required to bring a photo, as your photo will be taken digitally.
For babies and very young children, please bring your own passport photo when applying at a Danish Embassy or consulate.
If you are applying for an emergency passport, you must bring your own photo that meets the Requirements for passport photos irrelevant of whether applying at a Danish Embassy or consulate.
I have changed my name, how do I apply for a passport in my new name?
If you have changed your name or parts of your name, you will need to present documentation for the name change in connection with your passport application.
Please note that Danish passports are issued in the name that is registered in the Danish CPR register. Therefore, you will not be able to apply for a new passport until your name is registered correctly in the CPR register.
Step 1 – Contact the National Register (Folkeregisteret) in the Danish municipality where you last held residence or where the registration of your details in the CPR register took place. If in doubt about how you are registered, please contact the National Register (Folkeregisteret) here or login to if you have a Danish Nem-ID.
Step 2 – Once the registration of the name change is reflected in the CPR register, you can apply for a new passport in your new name.
Do both parents need to be present to apply for a passport for a child?
For identification purposes, it is recommended that both parents are present together with the child, when applying for a child’s passport. If either one of the parents cannot be present, ID documentation for the absent parent must be presented in the form of his or her current passport. The absent parent must also be willing to participate in a phone interview in order to answer control questions, if the Mission/consulate deems it necessary.
Both parents must fill in and sign the consent section in the application form. Please see further information under “Passports for Children – How do I give consent”.
Can I keep my current passport or my child's current passport until the new one is ready?
You can keep the current passport until the new one is ready. If you choose to keep the passport you must hand it in at the Danish Mission or the affiliated consulate before the new passport can be collected, as the ‘old passport’ needs to be cancelled. Please find further information regarding picking up the passport under “Passports for Adults” or “Passports for Children”.
Can my child have dual nationality and hold a passport for both nationalities at the same time?
If your child was born before 1 September 2015
Denmark accepts dual nationality if both nationalities were acquired automatically at birth. In this case, it is possible to hold passports for both nationalities at the same time. If the second nationality was acquired upon actual application or with express consent, your child may have lost his/her Danish nationality.
If your child was born after 1 September 2015
Due to the law on dual/multiple nationality, which came into force on 1 September 2015, Danish nationals no longer lose their Danish nationality if they apply to become nationals of another country. It is possible to hold passports for both nationalities at the same time.
I was born outside Denmark and I am now approaching my 21st birthday. Can I still renew my current passport?
Yes, but as a general rule your passport will only be valid until your 22nd birthday, as you must first apply to retain your Danish nationality beyond the age of 22. This is also known as the “22-year rule”.
The 22-year rule refers to Danish nationals born outside Denmark and who have never held residence in Denmark, who may lose their Danish nationality on reaching the age of 22, unless they apply between the age of 21 and 22 to retain it. See below on how to apply for a Certificate of Danish nationality. Once you have received your Certificate of Danish Nationality from the Ministry of Immigration and Integration in Denmark you can apply for a full 10-year passport.
If you were born outside Denmark, are below 22 years of age and you have resided and been registered in Denmark for a continuous stay of a minimum of 3 months, you will have retained your Danish nationality and thus, a full 10-year passport may be issued to you, without a Certificate of Danish nationality. Please consult your Embassy to check whether you are eligible to a 10-year passport beyond your 22nd birthday.
What happens to my visas/residence permits that are still valid in my old passport?
When you bring your old passport for cancellation, kindly inform the Danish Mission or affiliated consulate of any valid visas or residence permits in the old passport, in order to ensure that these are not cancelled. A cross reference to the old passport may also be made in your new passport. Always check with the local authorities whether your visa and/or residence permit will still be valid once a passport expires and whether they can be transferred to a new passport.
My passport has expired and I have to travel now. What can I do?
Your current passport may be extended or you can get an emergency passport but certain conditions apply. Please see under “Emergency/provisional Passports”.
Can I renew my passport in Denmark even though I live abroad?
Yes, it is possible to apply for renewal of your Danish passport at any ‘Borgerservicecenter’ while in Denmark. Please visit to find the relevant municipality. In order to be able to receive your new passport while still in Denmark, please apply as soon as possible after your arrival. It is also possible to collect your new passport at a Danish Mission or an affiliated consulate. Please consult with the ‘Borgerservicecenter’ when submitting your application regarding this possibility.
Remember to inform the ‘Borgerservicecenter’ of any valid visas or residence permits in the old passport in order to ensure that these are not cancelled. Always check with the local authorities of your country of residence whether your visa and/or residence permit will still be valid once a passport expires and whether they can be transferred to a new passport.
Can I collect my new passport in Denmark?
Yes, it is possible to collect your new passport at a ‘Borgerservicecenter’ while in Denmark. Please visit to find the relevant municipality. Please consult with the Danish Mission when submitting your application regarding this possibility.
Remember to inform the ‘Borgerservicecenter’ of any valid visas or residence permits in the old passport in order to ensure that these are not cancelled. Always check with the local authorities of your country of residence whether your visa and/or residence permit will still be valid once a passport expires and whether they can be transferred to a new passport.
Why must I travel to a Danish Embassy for renewal of my Danish passport?
Due to the requirement of biometric data in the passport as well as access to registers in Denmark in order to obtain and protect data, Danish passports can be renewed or applied for only at a Danish Embassy.
If you are 12 years or above, you are required to submit your application at a Danish Embassy or Consulate General due to the capturing of biometric data.
If you are below the age of 12, you can also submit your application at a Danish consulate. Click here to find contact information for Danish embassies and consulates in every country in the world.
In a few countries, it may be possible to apply for a Danish passport at an affiliated consulate, even if you are above the age of 12 years. Please see under Practical Information whether this is an option in your country of residence.
Why does a passport for a child cost the same as for an adult?
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark (in Copenhagen) determines the passport fees applicable at Danish embassies and affiliated consulates abroad. The passport fee is the same for all passport categories regardless of the age of the applicant. The fee is revised once a year.
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DK-1448 Copenhagen
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